Quinton Belcastro
Full Stack Developer
- clojure
- rust
- python
- react
- nextjs
- javascript
- clojurescript
- java
- C#
A 3D version of the classic minesweeper game made in Unity and web ready. This game generates 3D minesweeper style minefields based on ANY generic meshes. The voxelization is done by 1 of 4 different algorithms: cube projection, aabb (axis aligned bounding box), experimental aabb and triangular projection. Each algorithm performs better depending on the meshes geometry for producing minefields so some experimentation should be done to determine which look is most ideal for the mesh.
- unity
- json
- c#

Download my cv! HERE
TA at Ontario Tech
2019/09/01 - 2020/04/01
Graded assignments for various university classes and taught intro lab sessions
NSERC URSA Researcher
2019/06/01 - 2019/08/01
Researched the trends in Canada Open Data, created charts programatically for all datasets performed analysis to identify dangerous trends.
BSc Computer Science
2016/09/01 - 2020/04/01
4 year thesis student (see projects)
Angela Yu: Complete 2023 Web Development Bootcamp
2023/01/25 - 2023/03/15
Udemy bootcamp by Angela Yu
The Odin Project
2023/03/01 - Present
Working through full stack developer course. Ongoing
Current Learning Tools
Past - Present
Leetcode, kaggle, freecodecamp, w3schools
Feel free to send me an email. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.